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Devil in DBs

The Devil is in the Dumbbells': HYPERTROPHY

Hy-per-tro-phee // noun:

1.Enlargement of an organ or tissue from the increase of cells in it’s size.

2. A fancy way of saying “muscle growth”

  • Build Strength-Lift More

    • Accessory exercises compliment primary or compound (multi jointed) exercises

    • Strengthen the supporting small group muscles

  • Progress Past Plateaus

    • Beginner progression happens quickly with fitness. Over time plateaus are reached and we can get “stuck”. Accessory work opens you up to the opportunity to push through that sticking point

  • Improve Functional Movement

    • Primary movements with near perfect form are important, but real life isn’t perfect when it comes to moving. Adding in accessory exercises, you additionally strengthen other parts of the body with different movements and varied form.

  • Create a Better Body Balance

    • One shoulder stronger than the other? One arm or leg stronger that the other? Separating these joints from a single barbell and allowing them to lift freely at different angles is an excellent way to create joint and muscular balance.

  • Break From High Impact and High Intensity Work

    • Main lifts consume lots of energy, and can also carry a heavy impact.

    • Accessory work allows for an addition, and also lineal line of progression that will allow the body to recover, but also get stronger.

What these sessions won’t be:

-High intensity


What these sessions will be:

-Dumbbell focused accessory drop sets, superset and compound sets

-Increased metabolic stress on specific muscles and muscle groups

-An opportunity to streamline you towards your muscle building goals

-Calculated work to rest ratios to maximize total muscular potential

-Low intensity, but focused lifting

Come work with me.

-Coach Sara
